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Hey @Stephen-Alsobrook, we discovered yesterday that our partner registrar (Namesilo) added automatically a "_dmarc" record on all domain names. It's started from a good will but had unconsidered consequences like preventing emails to be sent from other systems.
Solution is simply to remove the added _dmarc TXT record on your domain DNS
FYI I did it for you, it should be active in the next hour
@mesopotamia-film I can see your DNS settings was wrong, not sure how it arrived in that state, anyways I have reset your DNS entries. It should be propagated in the next hours, once the website is reachable please reactivate SSL
@jessica-bendahan please go to appdrag > Domains > settings of your domain (cogs icon) > DNS Editor
There click on reset dns entries button, after 30 min your site should be served as expected
@mark-stapleton-2 based on those instructions you first need to create DNS A records on your domain, once it's done you can then change the nameservers
@joseph-benguira Thanks! Eventually it turned out to be a problem with iCloud on my Mac. After turning the mail syncing on and off everything appeared to work just fine.