Default Timezone
When I use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as a default value in the Databases, it's not the right Timezone.
I tried 2 things so far :
SET GLOBAL time_zone in a new query, but it says I don't have enough privileges
CONVERT_TZ(NOW(), 'GMT', 'MET') as a default value, but I get this :
It's not the first time I have this kind of error, sometimes I just refresh my page and it works, sometimes (like now) not.
How to set the time_zone I want please
Hello Pierre,
Default value is for "values" (string, numbers) or a restrained formulas list we manually authorized like "NOW()". You won't be able to do what you're trying.
I suggest you to keep your dates in the default timezone (UTC) and to convert it when you select your data (with MySQL) or do a process on your frontend (JS)
Ok I'll go with that, thanks !