Bug: the beautify button doesn't always work for custom css
Hey there guys
it seems that the beautify button for custom code doesnt always respond. Would be good if you could take a look. I noticed it on the mega beutified one time but not any more
Can we beautify the perfection haha?
I think when it does nothing it detects it cannot do better.. -
what I mean is that this happens with the same css code at random. Sometimes I can view it in beatified format meaning it's easy to work with...the next minute it's minified, no matter how many times I push the beatify button despite clearing the browser or working in incognito/chrome
Weird, can you provide a link to your element?
@Wassim it's accross the board, unfortunately, but I've found a work-around...there a plenty of beautifiers on the net so if I don't get it to work I just have a sneak peak in one of those... so no problem