image compression
Hey there folks
does appdrag add image compression to uploaded images? If not is there a way to access to the htaccess file to add gzip?
Hi, uploaded image are compressed, and files are gzipped.
By the way we don't have htaccess files as it's part of Apache servers and our infrastructure does not rely on it.
@Linda-MacDonald great question!
@Wassim based on my experiences in the past, there are some different permissions / settings around how files are served.
For example, I couldn't get .svg files to work in my own folder, but they served just fine when put in the /uploads folder.
Is there anything we need to know about the various settings for serving files and filetypes from different folders inside the AppDrag file structure?
@Daniel-Mulroy as far as I know you can host whatever you want wherever you want..
If you have an example with your SVG file? -
@Wassim cool, then I don't need to fiddle with the htaccess file
@Daniel-Mulroy I would love to know if there are any specific settings too because svgs are cool but in my experience notoriously fiddly to upload to the web
But perhaps all of our prayers are gonna be answered because I saw that the team is revising the docs?