is it possible to run a pug app on appdrag with nodejs and mongodb?
hey there guys
is it possible to run a pug app on appdrag with nodejs and mongodb?
thanks in advance
Linda -
I don't know Pug and after searching for it, it seems it's running on nodejs? You would need a VM to run Nodejs+Mongo with it. Cloud API Functions are micro services not designed for running continuously. -
@Wassim perhaps this can do the trick?
Hi this seems to be more a way to have a continuously running node js server acting like micro services.
For Pug I suggest you to seek after a dedicated VM, @Joseph-Benguira might have a solution for you in his magic hat.
@Wassim lol love @Joseph-Benguira magic hat cause it seems to be full of magic tricks
but rather than taking this further(I just took a course on pug and nodejs so I had to ask), I would MUCH rather know if I can use next.js for the front and hook it up with nodejs on the back, in appdrag...have kinda fallen in love with next
Outside of Vercel Next.js require a nodejs server running continuously, so indeed you will need a VM even to run the frontend part.
There is probably tricks to make a static version that you can then deploy with appdrag CLI
For the backend you can point to appdrag cloudbackend endpoints (functions urls)If you want to try the VM way, I invite you to create a new VM on
Pi'g me in private once you have created an account and I'll be able to add free credits on your account️
@Linda-MacDonald I have added some free credits to your OpenVM account
@Joseph-Benguira oh my goodness thank you, Joseph, for the YOU are the mastermind behind OpenVM??
so time for a little RANT: this is soooo awesome
I LOOOOOOOOVE this!!!! and there is even MongoDB and Postgres and my favourite headless cms of all times Strapi and ghost AND SEAAAARCH!!!!- be still my heart, life does NOT GET ANY BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:), sooooooooooooooo absolutely phenomenal!!!!!!!!!!
SO let us at em: how do we deploy, e.g. a next.js app with this bad boy? I am working on the next.js mongodb app, can I host it on openVM? AND I have a next.js website ready to rockAre there some docs that I can take a sneak peak at ?
We are working on the OpenVM documentation currently
In the meantime you can deploy a VM with your preferred DB (mongodb is in the list) then once the VM is started and running, click on the cog icon of your VM and select VSCODE
From there you can synchronize your code from github or simply upload it with the file explorer
You can then start and run your project as indicated in next.js documentation : -
@jbenguira UH lala so I can use this service for the backend and then vercel for the frontend? 🤩
@jbenguira this would be phenomenal to include in the OpenVMS project
it's an opensource alternative to firebase and looks really good
@Linda-MacDonald Definitely, it's in the roadmap for next 2 weeks
@Joseph-Benguira soooooo coool
so I am ready to deploy but I am not sure which service I need? it's a headless project gatsby and strapi. The strapi project has been implementet setup locally and I've done a few tweaks to it, but got a bit unsure on how to deploy it, is NextCloud I need?
regards Linda
OK so I have investigated a bit more SupaBase ... unfortunately there is no WEB UI in the opensource version ... it's just the regular Postgres + few plugins preloaded ... so for now it won't be included, this might change if later they add a web UI in the open source version
@Joseph-Benguira silly that nothing much is in the opensource project, my bad, I didn't check just saw the website
meanwhile back at the farm can I deploy a gatsbyjs/strapi project and if yes, which option from the dashboard do I use? -
Hey Linda,
In that case you use directly the Strapi template (available in the list)
once the VM is ready, click on the cogs icon, then click on "File Explorer"
From there navigate to /opt/app/strapi ... and place your files thereFYI I'm not an expert on Strapi so probably their community will be able to better assist you on that
I know there is also a lot of tutorials available about strapi -
@Joseph-Benguira excellent thanks
and can I upload a gatsby js frontend for it? If yes which option on the dashboard do I choose for that?
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