SOLVED Full control over blog page slug
When I edit the blog page slug, the slug get's changed to add a number and .html.
ie, I want /Probiotics-and-Autism
it used to be 2-Probiotics-and-Autism.html
It automatically now changes to
11-Probiotics-and-Autism.html after I updated content on the blog.This causes my links to be broken, as a particular blog was number 2, now it's been changed automatically to number 11. How can I stop AppDrag doing this?
Hey @warren-gouin
When you edit a blog article you can set a permalink, it can be anything and will never change -
Hi @jbenguira.
I can edit the permalink with any issue. It saves the way I want, and stays for a couple of minutes, then reverts. So if I set the slug to just words separated by a '-' (probiotics-and-autism), it automatically adds '11-' to the start of the slug (11-probiotics-and-autism) after a couple of minutes.
When I first made the blog post a couple of years ago, it added '2-'. Now it's adding '11-'.
@warren-gouin I don't have this behavior on my side, maybe you are doing another action that modify your permalink?
FYI you can also use URL Redirections from your project settings to redirect an url as a permalink
@joseph-benguira, thanks for your help. I can't tell what would be doing it. I originally made this a couple of years ago when I think the functionality for blog pages was a little different. I think originally the slug couldn't be changed. I use the re-directions that the all the variations of URL's open the page, but I'd rather have more control over it.